Saturday, October 5, 2019

Steven Universe: THE MOVIE. Was it the cat’s meow?

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
The Steven Universe Movie premiered on Cartoon Network on Labor Day of 2019 as a musical. The setting took place two years after the season 5 finale and a new villain was shown! A very stretchy pink one in fact! For long time fans, this was very welcoming. This would be the first movie for Steven Universe and a small glimpse into the future of the Crystal Gems after the season finale. But as with many movies and shows, let’s focus on different parts of the movie.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
The animation for the show was pretty much the same, all except for the villain Spinel. Spinel was a nice flashback to the early shows in the 1930s where Rubber Hose Animation was used. This means that the characters were very stretchy in their fighting styles such as Popeye, Bugs Bunny, Woody WoodPecker, and Tom and Jerry, to name a few. Her fighting style was made to be a surprise so the opponent would not know what she was up to or figure out what she would do next. Punch from the left? Nope! She twisted it to the right! In front? She makes herself flat enough to slide underneath her opponent and get behind them unexpectedly and easily. This was a great fighting style for when she was a villain! 

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.

Originally, Spinel was made to entertain and be a companion to Pink Diamond. Spinel would have a lot of antics such as playing tag and stretching her arm to tag the person, wrap her arms multiple times around someone, catching a friend that is falling by stretching her arms into the shape of a fishing rod and reeling them back up, etc. She is the definition of silly! She would also be playful and make faces to have her friends smile again if they were sad or upset. That was what she was made for: to make Pink Diamond smile...until Pink Diamond abandoned her in THEIR private garden to colonize earth and left her there for six thousand years :D Her silliness and stretching abilities would explain her purpose and was a good method of attack when fighting was more about strength, team work, and facing an opponent head on.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
Most of the characters were still in the forms we saw them in the season finale, Pearl with her new jacket, Garnet and her 3 point shades, Peridot and her new form with a star, and we even got to see Bismuth in her overalls! Steven and Connie on the other hand, being human and all, did grow up a little. We finally got to see Steven with a neck! And his relationship with Connie grew as well as being more than, “Best Jam Buds.” Not much light was shed on that to confirm this in the movie alone.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
Throughout the movie there was one other noticeable change in Steven. In the series Steven was young and optimistic. He would do his best to comfort others, push them to do their best, and tried very hard to overcome his obstacles. However, in the movie, Steven is  more blunt and panicky. He was not being positive and focused more on figuring out what to do and to get it done immediately. He did not have his powers anymore but was also in a rush to fix his friends before the planet was destroyed. Noticing the change made this kitty uneasy, but the situation and the fact that he is more grown up was understandable. Children can be optimistic and happy go lucky. As we become older, take things more seriously, work , etc, we become tired and find more joy in doing nothing and being with family and friends. He dismantled empires and was in Pink Diamond’s shoes for years for gems sake! With this in mind, I can understand the character development, much to my dismay.

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
The songs that each character sang were a bit much, in a sense of exaggeration, but very nice! The movie opened with a great song, “Other Friends.” At first the song seems very odd since there is no context to what she is saying but once you take a look back at the movie each line is very understandable and gave a hint to what happened to her and what was on her mind. This includes lines such as, “I’m the loser of the game you didn’t even know you were playing.” This line was a reference to the fact that Pink Diamond said she was playing a game with Spinel and left her in the garden. After she passed on Steven was “continuing” the game that he was not aware of. “What did she say about me what did she say? What did you do without me what did what did you do? What did you play without me what did you play?” This was a reference to the fact that she was hurt,  was forgotten, and was left out. She also immediately asks about games that they played games without her, hinting to her original purpose of being a friend. There were other great songs such as “Drift Away, Independent Together, Isn’t it Love”, and Garnet’s best song, “True Kinda Love.” Each song explained a moment, a character, and had a great tune! Each of these songs is worth listening to!

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
The story overall was very well done! A gem that was long forgotten, new fighting styles, shenanigans, music, fusions, and everything a person (or gem) could want! Great animation, execution, and character growth! But the ending was a bit dry on this sandpaper tongue. ::Warning: Rant:: There were some parts of the movie that were hard to understand and the ending was questionable. What was “The Truth” that Garnet was singing about? How was “change” the answer for Steven? Why did Steven let Spinel go with the Diamonds of all gems?! In the beginning of the movie the Diamonds wanted Steven to stay as a replacement for Pink Diamond. They knew he was not her but “he was her.” As in, he was the closest thing to being Pink Diamond or a replacement. At the end of the movie they said that they would stay with Steven, until they saw Spinel. She ALSO belonged to Pink, was pink, a gem, and she was closer to Pink Diamond than Steven, who actually had her gem….Why was it ok to leave Spinel with the Diamonds, who have not gotten over the fact that Pink Diamond was gone? Spinel was also very hurt over what happened and was not sure how to make friends or how to be after everything. How was this ok?! ::Rant over::

Owned by Cartoon Network. Used for critiquing purposes.
Despite this, Steven Universe the Movie was definitely the cat’s meow! A new outlook on the characters, development, music, fusions, and a great villain! This cat gives the movie five out of five fishy treats! It’s definitely worth a watch and a great addition, and end to this part of the series.

Edited by: @Louisathepink and Mechanical Maiden

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Anime Magic Review! 2019

Owned by Anime Magic, used for critiquing purposes
Anime Magic, how magical is it? The name and mascots are definitely attention grabbing. The name is creative, not too long, or overwhelming. The mascots are also very attractive. Each character has a solid color, has a different design per character that shows their personality, and has an original art style. The characters go back from original forms to cute chibi’s as well! Very cute!

The website has a teal color, easy to navigate, and was usually updated. Information such as schedules and guest appearances were updated regularly but other information such as VIP inclusions and cosplay meetups were missing. Their facebook was updated the most which was very convenient. Even as the convention was running they updated their information immediately and fixed any issues that arose. For a first time convention, these cats were on it!
Anime Magic also had some pre con events such as a gaming event at Gameworks, a 5 K run, and a Punch Bowl Circle. I was only able to attend the Gameworks pre-con event but the event alone said a lot. 
Owned by Game Works. Used for critiquing purposes

The location was perfect for the setting of Anime Magic! Gameworks is a game restaurant in a way. When you walk in you are greeted by staff employees of the establishment behind a desk. To your left is a restaurant with nice tables set up, a bar in the back, and board games at every table! Behind the desk is an array of arcade games! They ranged from the basic Pac Man to the VR beat game, Beat Saber. Every corner with filled with some type of game with private rooms on the second floor for events, where Anime Magic held theirs. 

Upon arriving to the event, Kate was very welcoming, friendly, and explained everything about the event. She was nothing but smiles and emanated the joy she had with everyone and the event itself. The event had a lot of video games such as Naruto, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, and even anime playing the back. A fun and easy event with a free raffle everyone was able to join!

Now to the convention! The first thing to note about the location, was the size of the hotel. It is much smaller than the other conventions I have attended so the size was a surprise. The hotel has 3 floors with a restaurant inside, outside, and would only take a minute to walk from one end of the building to the next. The front desk was hidden on the side of the main entrance and normally had one or no staff behind it. They were nearby enough to be over in a minute as they multitasked. They made check in quick, easy, and were very accommodating and informative! The front desk was probably hidden to make the lobby much more eye catching! There were multiple tables set out with chargers and lamps and a metal chandelier design was hanging from the ceiling that covered the entire lobby. Small on the outside, wondrous on the inside. 

After checking in it’s time to head to the room. The elevators were on the other side of the lobby with all their doors open. Ready to take all guests to their floors. The rides were short and easy. Once they opened a lounging area greet you. Simple couches surrounding a cushion in the middle. A nice seating area while you wait for your friends or just want a place close to your room to chat. Heading in the direction of your room was somewhat easy. You either took one of three hallways on each corner exiting the elevator which then had multiple openings to different halls with lots of rooms! It’s odd at first but even more so if you are out drinking a little too much and are trying to head back. Depending on the room type, for this session it was a simple one king bedroom, there was a lot of space! A spacious opening is the first thing to see as you walk into the room, ready to place your things down. On one side of you is the...tiny bathroom. No matter your size, you will have trouble getting into the bathroom and closing the door. The toilet paper is placed behind toilet next to you so its a reach and the shower was a walk in shower with half a glass to make an easy in and out access with little regards to water spilling out everywhere. Not very impressive at first, but the couch in the room with a half desk, half tv stand with drawers seem to make up for it. There were a lot of outlets around to be working or even facebooking anywhere and everywhere while your phone/laptop charges. The refrigerator was in the closet and a small stand to place any food or extra items. Odd but compact and convenient. Just enough to leave lots of legroom! If you pack a lot of things or have multiple guests staying with you, it’s recommended to get a bigger room if space matters to you. Also, the walls do not contain sound. If you walk by a room that is noisy and walk into your own, the noise level will not be much different. 
The space, couch, service, and many other factors were a lot compared to other hotels. The Hyatt in O Hare, for example, has a lot to be desired in comparison. They had very little space in the room even for simply walking around, lack of customer service, no pool, lots of floors which means long elevator wait times, and this is where Anime Central and Anime Midwest are held. Lots of people and little space even in the rooms leaves a lot to be desired when compared to the Hyatt in Schaumburg. 
Outside of the hotel is the infamous Woodfield Mall, business areas, an AMC Movie theater, and plenty of Poke-stops and gyms! Plenty to do outside of the convention if you need a change of pace!

Convention talk time! Anime Magic handed out booklets that were the size of a real book, compared to oversized booklets that are about the size of notebooks, which made it easier to carry. The material used was high quality. It was made with a sturdy cardstock cover with a matte finish. This made it smooth and a little harder to damage so you can carry it out all day with less worry! They also provided some business cards and coupons inside!
There was a lack of people when I arrived at 10 am. For a first time convention, this is normal. The hotel is small, school is starting, and convention was just beginning. The numbers did increase after school hours and the weekend! The cosplayers were no less to count! 

There were still cosplayers of many types. Old anime, newer anime, cosplayers of their own interpretation of a character, and all were of great quality. Bought or made, the cosplayers brought their best!

      The photo room had some but not much to offer. There were a few different designs such as a castle to cosplay in front of and to take photos. They also had a plain back drop which is good to focus on the character and design. There was also a back drop with the logo of the convention to help promote them and to take pictures with you and your friends, with or without cosplay. The photo room may have been small but there were spots around the hotel that were purrfect to take photos in! There were tables, open spaces, some trees for shade, natural sunlight, and perfect weather to take photos outside for a more natural look and photo possibilities!
The panel schedule left much to be desired. When the panel listings were first uploaded online, they were in blocks and in small ones at that. It made it very difficult to read which panel was at what time frame. There was also no description for the panel. It was not until one was at the convention and looked through the booklet did they see the descriptions of the panels along with more defined times. The panel listings were messy but despite this, the con did have a great idea in color coding the panels. Doing so easily showed the difference of each panel such as if it was a main event or was fan held.
There were three panel rooms, a main event room, two gaming rooms, a video room, and dealers hall. Each one was small. Each room could fit 20-40 people, besides the main event room. The number of video games was less than 10 which means not that much variety in games. The only variety was the variety in game system type to play on.  The board game room was filled with more japanese arcade games and no set up for board games? The board game room was a, “bring your own board game,” type of deal. It was disappointing to see the type of room it was and to see it already full. Not very impressive, compared to other conventions, but it stands well on its own. 
What does three panel rooms mean? Not many panel options. The panels ranged from fan run panels, few Q and A’s, sewing and youtube tips, some 18+ panels, and very few others. Unless this is your first time con or you are into a lot of things, then your schedule would have quite some room to walk around and see what else the con had to offer. 
Anime Magic had a VIP portion with multiple benefits, if they rub your fur the right way. It included free snacks, a DJ playing in the lounge, early autograph signings, and a few other benefits as well. Sounds great! If your looking to have a private area, free snacks only at certain times, a little something to drink, and just enjoy having a little extra at your con, this is for you! As an easy going con goer myself, I was purring  happily with my regular membership. A nice thing to have but not necessary to enjoy what this con had to offer!
Courtesy of Candy Fluffs
Instagram: @candy_fluffs
Tumblr: candy-fluffs

The con had a vendor hall which was more of a vendor room. There was a variety of vendors and artists enough space to walk around  but the room could be walked around in a minute if one is cat walking up and down and glancing at all the items. Not the biggest vendor hall, but no shortage of items and fantastic artists! There were sellers selling Pokemon balls with Pokemon in them in their environment, artist selling fan artwork in drawings and charms, pillow cases, personal accessories, and more that I wish I could show! There was always something eye catching and price worthy!
Something not easily as seen at other conventions, was the security. There was security walk around everyday in yellow shirts. Easily visible and made one feel safe. But how safe was it? That question was answered with one interaction I witnessed myself at the con. As I was walking by I noticed a girl in her teens looking at her phone and accompanied by an older gentleman. The older gentleman persisted in asking her if she was ready to go. The girl continued to look at her phone. I myself felt uneasy and was not sure what to make of the situation. That’s when a man in a security uniform stood in front of them and asked if everything was ok. The gentleman answered yes while the girl did not respond. The security guard ignored him and asked the girl if she was ok. I was not able to stay around for the rest but I did feel safer knowing that dependable security was around. 
Owned by Anime Magic. Used for critiquing purposes

Was Anime Magic really magical? For a first time convention, yes! A rough start I admit, but no shortage of things to see, pictures to take, and friendly and helpful staff to work with! It may be a first time convention but they truly brought their all. A good hotel with efficient staff, great communication of a change of events, plenty of things to do in and out of the hotel, and all at a great price, whether it be for the badge or hotel itself!  Final rating? Four out of four paws! Great job Anime Magic! You truly made it a magical event for everyone! This kitty kat is definitely purring and ready to go again!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Code Realize Game Review

Hello my little Kitty Kats! Today I will review the 2015 otome game, Code Realize!

The full name of the game is Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth. This game was developed by Otomate and published by Idea Factory and Askys Games. 

For those that don’t know, Otome is a type of game that is usually focused more on girls but there are those aimed for males as well. The games runs as a typical RPG (Role Playing Game) but in these types of games the end goal is to end up with one of the provided characters. The choices you make could help you unlock the characters past and make them fall in love with you! Or killed….it depends on the game….

The game revolves around a female character named whatever name you want to give her, or stick with the default name of Cardia. Cardia is a woman who is made of poison. Everything she touches starts eroding away. This does not include items in her home or her clothing. Her “father” made it so that those at least don’t dissolve from her poison. Her father told her to never leave the home so she doesn’t get close to people or fall in love especially. Why is that? We aren’t sure at first. We know as much as she does at the start of the game.

When she wakes up in her mansion the British army breaks into the home to steal her away for being a “monster.” From there, a few button presses later, she gets stolen away AGAIN in that moment by a handsome gentleman thief, Arsen Lupin! And they drive away by the comic relief, Impey Barbicane. 

Now as you continue to play the game, you meet other male characters, henceforth also expanding you love options. The first possible love interest is the best engineer and comic relief, Impey Barbicane. After that you meet the alchemist, Victor Frankeinstein. Then you meet the mysterious and lovely Count Saint Germain. Lastly is the silent, stone cold bad boy, Van Hellsing. Those are all the unlocked characters. Once you successfully pass through each story do you then unlock the elusive Gentlemen Theif himself, Arsin Lupin!

Each character in the game is based off of a character in a book with their own story. For example, the main male character, Aresin Lupin is actually based  on a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise based on the same name. The original character was created in 1905 by the French writer Maurice Leblanc. The character from the book is not exactly the same, personality wise, but their skills and what they are known for in their book is similar in the game.

There are other characters, besides the main cast, that you come across that are also based on characters in books such as Herloch Sholmes but are not options in this game unfortunately.  

The game starts off the same in the beginning but at a certain point, you end up on a certain character’s route which has their own story. For example, in Victor’s route the Queen of England tries to start a war and almost lets loose a poisonous tree in the air! In Impey’s route you two end of trying to steal back his invention from Nnnnneeeeemmmmmmoooooo, while also finding out that he is a Vampire. 

The game is divided up into chapters as you play. The first nine are the generic story and depending on the things you chose to say or do, will lead you to a certain character and will deviate to their story. 

Now let’s say you ended up in Mr. Bad Boy Vanhelsing’s route! Nice! You can obtain one of the three bad endings, a normal ending where you don’t necessarily end up with the character or wait longing lee, in denial of their death, or you have a happy ending! Every choice is critical!

Overall I really liked the game! They had a nice wide cast of different characters with some really diverse story lines. The backstory of each character, except for one personally, was REALLY interesting! I was on the edge of my seat and in tears with each character’s struggles and sacrifices!