Sunday, August 4, 2019

Code Realize Game Review

Hello my little Kitty Kats! Today I will review the 2015 otome game, Code Realize!

The full name of the game is Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth. This game was developed by Otomate and published by Idea Factory and Askys Games. 

For those that don’t know, Otome is a type of game that is usually focused more on girls but there are those aimed for males as well. The games runs as a typical RPG (Role Playing Game) but in these types of games the end goal is to end up with one of the provided characters. The choices you make could help you unlock the characters past and make them fall in love with you! Or killed….it depends on the game….

The game revolves around a female character named whatever name you want to give her, or stick with the default name of Cardia. Cardia is a woman who is made of poison. Everything she touches starts eroding away. This does not include items in her home or her clothing. Her “father” made it so that those at least don’t dissolve from her poison. Her father told her to never leave the home so she doesn’t get close to people or fall in love especially. Why is that? We aren’t sure at first. We know as much as she does at the start of the game.

When she wakes up in her mansion the British army breaks into the home to steal her away for being a “monster.” From there, a few button presses later, she gets stolen away AGAIN in that moment by a handsome gentleman thief, Arsen Lupin! And they drive away by the comic relief, Impey Barbicane. 

Now as you continue to play the game, you meet other male characters, henceforth also expanding you love options. The first possible love interest is the best engineer and comic relief, Impey Barbicane. After that you meet the alchemist, Victor Frankeinstein. Then you meet the mysterious and lovely Count Saint Germain. Lastly is the silent, stone cold bad boy, Van Hellsing. Those are all the unlocked characters. Once you successfully pass through each story do you then unlock the elusive Gentlemen Theif himself, Arsin Lupin!

Each character in the game is based off of a character in a book with their own story. For example, the main male character, Aresin Lupin is actually based  on a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise based on the same name. The original character was created in 1905 by the French writer Maurice Leblanc. The character from the book is not exactly the same, personality wise, but their skills and what they are known for in their book is similar in the game.

There are other characters, besides the main cast, that you come across that are also based on characters in books such as Herloch Sholmes but are not options in this game unfortunately.  

The game starts off the same in the beginning but at a certain point, you end up on a certain character’s route which has their own story. For example, in Victor’s route the Queen of England tries to start a war and almost lets loose a poisonous tree in the air! In Impey’s route you two end of trying to steal back his invention from Nnnnneeeeemmmmmmoooooo, while also finding out that he is a Vampire. 

The game is divided up into chapters as you play. The first nine are the generic story and depending on the things you chose to say or do, will lead you to a certain character and will deviate to their story. 

Now let’s say you ended up in Mr. Bad Boy Vanhelsing’s route! Nice! You can obtain one of the three bad endings, a normal ending where you don’t necessarily end up with the character or wait longing lee, in denial of their death, or you have a happy ending! Every choice is critical!

Overall I really liked the game! They had a nice wide cast of different characters with some really diverse story lines. The backstory of each character, except for one personally, was REALLY interesting! I was on the edge of my seat and in tears with each character’s struggles and sacrifices!

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