Saturday, January 9, 2021

Code Realize: Future Blessings


Hey guys! Roslaine Neko here~

Today we will be reviewing the second game of the Code Realize series, Future Blessings. As the white wedding outfit on the covers suggests, most of these stories focus on marrying the heroine, you, in the story. The game also includes extra stories with two possible side characters, Herlock Sholmes (Sherlock Homes), and Finnis, followed by an extra story called, Lupin’s Gang! Let’s go over each character’s story after the main events of the game. 

First let us start with my personal favorite, Victor Franenstein. In Victor’s route, Victor has cured the heroine’s poison, for the most part. Idea sticks their head back in and offers Victor a deal. There is a chance that later down the line, that Cardia’s poison will return. Not to mention that Cardia will have a longer lifespan than Victor’s. They offered Victor, with his great mind, to join Idea and to have his life extended in order to be with Cardia. In turn though, he may also have to end the lives of others, including Cardia’s. Victor and Cardia contemplate this but both, cutely, come to the conclusion to take the risk and enjoy being with each other! Victor promised that he would look for a way to have her live a normal life and for the poison to never return. Idea takes that promise and leaves. 

Score: 10/10

Saint Germain’s story takes a small turn. He and Cardia go to many different parts of the world while “looking” for a cure for her poison while Saint Germain steals a few kisses along the way. Cardia enjoys the attention but is beginning to lose hope of finding a cure and is doubting Germain. Lupin confronts Germain and he admits that he did not want to look for the cure. He wants to be with Cardia only. Him being immortal and her a non human is what connected them and he did not want to lose that nor lose what brought them together. Lupin threatens to take Cardia away himself and make her happy if Saint Germain does not. Lupin made a promise to her as a gentleman and left her with Saint Germain, thinking that he would be able to fulfill her wish. Saint Germain agrees and look’s for an old friend’s hideout who may have found a cure, only to find that it was robbed and with no clues to be found. Cardia and Saint Germain tell their friends as much. Hearing this, Lupin recalls and admits that he was the one that robbed it during his early days in thieving and brings them what they are looking for. A tablet made of emerald, an antidote to Cardia’s poison. Victor gets to work on the stone and Saint Germain turns it into a wedding ring. He place’s it on Cardia’s ring finger, promising her an ever after. 

Score: 10/10

Impey Barbicane’s love route was the cutest of all! Instead of focusing on struggles their story focuses on their journey and passion to travel to the moon. First they find a Patron, Queen Victoria, to fund their project. She in turn asks them to help Victor with a Submarine first. From there, most of this story is filled with cute moments together such as traveling under water and getting married while jumping out of a plane! Impey is not particularly one of my favorite characters but his main story and after story are too cute to behold!

Score: 10/10

Abreham Van Helsing’s after story comes with a struggle that is all too common. The story begins with Cardia’s poison being cured and Van Helsing enveloping her in a kiss. He then proceeds to spoil her with lavious gifts, spending money on her, taking her out to eat, and always asking her whatever she wants to do or what she wants. It’s all about Cardia! Do you see where this is going? Van Helsing focuses solely on Cardia and not himself. Cardia sees this and feels distant from him, but unsure of the feeling. Impey and Lupin talk with Van Helsing and give him the same treatment he was giving Cardia. He became annoyed and frustrated with how much they were dragging him around and asking about what he wanted to do. This showed him what he was doing and how he was making her feel when he did this to her. After coming to this understanding, they reconcile and work on happiness for both of them, together. 

Score: 7/10

Arsene Lupin was probably the most uninteresting story, but definitely has its cute moments. Seriously, his blushing CGs are to die for!! The story focuses on how Cardia is falling for Lupin more and more, and letting him get away with things that she shouldn’t, but can’t make him buckle at the knees like he does her. She tells this to Van Helsing, Victor, and Delly who decide to stage an invasion of the house to cause a bridge effect, to obviously no avail. She shares her woes with Saint Germain and Impey who suggest an alternative. They take her out on a date, to Lupin’s dismay. On the date she talks about how  much she loves Lupin and what she loves about him. Lupin, obviously, followed and overheard this. After this event, he walks around London with her and at the end of the walk, tells her how he makes her feel. Cardia mentions that she wants to know more about her father’s love and family and somehow, in the same night, Lupin takes her to a Library in the Queen’s house and let’s her read a journal that her father left behind. She was touched by the notes that he left, how much her father cared for her, and the fact that she looked like his daughter...and that’s it...ta da...I may not have written well about this story but it’s also not my cup of tea, but it may be yours!

Score: 6/10

Finis’s side story was definitely interesting and cute, but could have been longer. 

This story was only five chapters long and did have choices to make but because the story was so short it felt rushed, especially when compared to the 13 chapters (8 at least part of the prologue to get to the character). Finis, throughout the whole story until the last few moments, focused and insisted on him not being human and to only think about father. Then he does a 180 and tries to save his sister. (If you get a normal end it’s pretty sweet too). It was short and a bit rushed, but definitely worth the read. 

Score: 9/10

Herlock Sholmes, just yes just...YES. If you are a big fan of Herlock Sholmes after seeing him in the first story, like I am, then this side story gives you everything and more for story content, character content, and CGs! His story brings back Jack the Ripper, Moriarty, and Watson!! Original characters from the original book stories but in 2D form! The story starts from where Cardia ran away and is given a place to stay with Watson. After seeing a photo with Watson, his wife, and Sholmes, Cardia reveals that Sherlock Holmes is still alive. This leads Watson to find Sherlock Holmes and to work together again to find the culprit behind Jack the Ripper and other various murders. Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes face off in a battle of strategy and wits. Moriarty has them on the run from the whole country of London, giving a chance for Cardia and Shomes to get a little time together (smirk face). I don’t want to ruin the whole mystery so I’ll leave it here. 20/10, would highly recommend the read. 

Score: 25/10

Lupin’s Gang’s story felt very dragged out, due to the lack of chapters and it just being a one shot, but is well worth the read! The story starts off with Cardia driving around London, made by Impey of course, when a young girl jumps into her car and tells her to drive off because she’s being chased by the MAFIA, which is true. Cardia drives off which turns everything into a car chase. She, and the girl, end up being captured. Later on we find out that the girl is the daughter of a nice mafia boss but they work together to fight an actual bad mafia! There is A LOT MORE jam packed into this story, such as the boys dressing up in mafia black and drugs being involved, but don’t take this cat’s word for it! Take a look!

Score: 15/10

Delly’s room has 8 quick and cute stories involving Delly ranging from leaving him to water the plants (alone) to cooking for everyone under the instruction of...Van Helsing...adorable stories too cute to pass up!

Score: 5/5

Overall, the game is definitely worth the buy! You do need to have played the original Code Realize game (or buy the PS4 version and play both!) so for fans of the series, you definitely need to go out and get this game! It adds more to the world and it’s characters! I would rate this a 10 out of 10 kitty treats!  

Overall Score: 25/10, would play again!

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